Plant Digitization Services

Plant Digitization Services


EIWAA plant digitization services in UAE provide point cloud conversion into various 3D Modeling formats of AVEVA PDMS, CADWORX and open plant models for major powerplants across the globe. We are using  AutoPLANT for 3D Plant design and modeling services to get accurate and precise data in plant digitization services. We are the one-stop 3D Modeling solutions for plant infrastructure design and engineering in oil and gas, power plants, power generation, processing plants and refineries. Our plant design and digitization services provide plant layout design, piping design and analysis, Equipment modeling, clash detection and resolution, Documentation and reporting etc. Our 3D Modeling Services help to streamline your plant design process in an effective way with industrial innovation. We offer plant design and modeling in UAE  by plant digitization, plant layout design, piping design, plant reverse engineering and BIM for plant design modeling services. We are developing detailed 3D Models of plant sections by providing equipment layouts, pipeline systems, structural components and plant infrastructure services.

As a part of piping design and structural analysis services, our piping engineers can plan pipeline routes, define pipe size and materials and ensure the piping arrangement complies with design and ASME requirements. Our Equipment Modeling covers various static and rotating equipments of pumps, vessels, storage tanks and heat exchangers. Clash detection and resolution features identify conflicts between structural elements and piping components. For the 3D Engineering and construction industrial sections, plant design tools for piping systems and components are crucial in many aspects. All the traditional 2D Drawings and manual calculations are replaced by our advanced plant design software’s by integrated modeling, analysis and simulations. We are using 3D plant layout software of CADWorx, Smart 3D, AutoCAD Plant, PDMS plant design and management software’s, SolidWorks Piping and PDS plant design software’s.

AutoCAD Plant3D

To create P&ID s and then integrate into 3D Plant design modeling in BIM

Recap Pro

Reality Capture and 3D Scanning tool to develop as-built drawing and as-built condition for an existing plant


Plant designers to produce complete 3D Models of building design by proper BIM coordination process

3ds Max

Plant designing and modeling software’s to create models for design visualization, plant visualization and virtual reality experiences

AutoCAD Civil 3D

Supporting design software’s of BIM with integrated features to improve drafting and design in Civil construction

BIM 360

Design thorough construction, real time data and it’s a unified platform for BIM coordination and BIM Collaboration


BIM Services for the plant design is creating intelligent 3D Models by integrating various software’s of AutoCAD Plant 3D and Revit in oil and gas as well as processing and power plants. It is always a challenge to deliver safe and accurate data from urbanization to plant development as well as plant reverse engineering on time and within budget. BIM tools like Revit, AutoCAD Plant 3D and Navisworks helps to keep design and models as up to date with data validation, checking and to meet the projects requirements at every stage in construction. BIM Collaboration helps plant designers, architects and structural engineers to effectively plan, design, build sheets, drawings, costing and estimation. BIM Coordination is applicable in every stage of Structural BIM, Architectural BIM and MEP BIM in plant design and modeling services.

By using reality capture technologies of LiDAR Scanning and 3D Scanning Services, EIWAA Engineers and Designers image the plant inside and outside. Then we feed BIM Model with accurate 3D Image to create Reverse plant engineering and plant digitalization. All the relevant information of elevation, pipe runs, P &ID s and instrumentation will be up to date in the plant design by combining GIS Survey data as well as land survey data.


We are one of the plant reverse engineering companies in UAE for plant modernization, plant digitization, plant infrastructure development, Plant relocation, Industrial surveys and As-built drawing preparations of existing plants. We are developing as-built drawings with 3D Laser scanning and LiDAR Scanning Services. Following by the LiDAR Scanning, we convert the point clouds into intelligent 3D Models for implementing detailed engineering. Process for industrial plant reverse engineering services include the following,

  • LiDAR Scanning, Registration and Stitching
  • Developing 3D Models
  • Creating intelligent 3D Models by different plant design software’s
  • Incorporating the revised parameters
  • Detailed engineering for structural assessment, installation and commissioning
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